New spray adjuvant powered by CHS farmer-owners

CHS Acuvant - new spray adjuvant made with refined soybean oil

CHS Acuvant made with refined soybean oil

Farmers can take pride in an exclusive new line of high-performance adjuvants from CHS, knowing that they’re formulated with soybean oil refined by CHS, from soybeans grown by farmer-owners.

CHS Acuvant™ is a soy-enhanced spray adjuvant that improves the droplet spectrum of spray solutions without altering the viscosity. Significantly fewer fine droplets in place of more dense droplets results in next-generation drift control and deposition aid to maximize your herbicide, fungicide and insecticide investment.

As compared to crude soybean oil, CHS Acuvant has refined soybean oil, which results in less impurities with superior mixability and cold-weather stability. However, when it comes to the formulation, what’s kept out is just as important. An NPE-free (Nonylphenol Ethoxylates) adjuvant, CHS Acuvant ensures farmers can apply late-season corn fungicides at any postemergence stage without the risk of causing arrested ear syndrome.

Keep your herbicides, fungicides and insecticides on target and support our farmer-owners with soy-enhanced CHS Acuvant.

To learn more about CHS Acuvant, visit your local CHS retailer.

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